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Want to Grow Your Own Cutting Flowers? Start Here!


I don’t know about you, but when it gets cold and yuck and dreary, I go into full-on daydream mode about my cutting garden.

Can you relate?

Imagine this with me: The sun is gently warming your face, as you gather stems of fluffy, sweetly scented flowers. You look up to see graceful butterflies floating above a bobbing sea of confetti blooms. You watch your worries take flight and dissolve into the breeze…


Is this your dream, too? Doesn’t this sound perfect?

Let’s wrap this up, Winter.

A butterfly rests on a large zinnia blossom. Photo by Sara Wilson, copywrite 2024.

While seasoned gardeners look at their brown yards this time of year and know intuitively how to transform it into a rich swath of lush green textures by spring, as a new gardener, your path to gardening glory may seem less clear.

With all the information out there, you may be asking yourself: When do I even start?

Believe it or not, you start now, my friend.

Spring may seem like a distant wish, but late winter is the best time to plan and prepare for the garden of your dreams!

How do you make it happen? You simply start.

The key to starting a successful garden is this:

Start small and break down the process into simple, actionable steps.

Still seem like too much? Fear not!

Over the next several posts, I will be walking with you through the major steps you will need to plan, prepare, plant and care for your first cutting garden.

A journey is much easier when you have a friend beside you, right?

I’ve been on this cutting garden journey for quite a while now and have learned so much! I’d love to show you how to avoid the mistakes I’ve made and encourage you to try something that has the power to change your life for the better.

Are you excited yet?

Let’s get started:

The first step in growing the garden of your dreams is to download the How to Grow A Cutting Garden Checklist.

Think of this list as your cutting garden roadmap. This list will help you to see the big picture so you can know where you are headed. Print this list and put it up in a place where you will see it every day. Then, follow me as I lead you through the process of turning a brown, blah space into your personal paradise.

Are you with me?

Growing your first cutting garden is going to be fun,

it’s going to be amazing,

and we are going to do it together!

I've learned from experience that when you push past your hesitation and make that first move, really good things are in store for you. Once you put your plan into action, you will amaze yourself (and we will both be so proud of you!).

This time next year, you will look back with pride knowing you took the first step into making one of your dreams a reality.

Don't forget to download your checklist! Also, follow the blog for the next step in your gardening journey: Capturing your garden vision.

About the author

Thank you for choosing to join our family on this grand adventure, as we grow something beautiful, meaningful, and good. If we haven't met yet, I am Sara Wilson, and my husband Teddy and I own Oklahoma Cut Flower Company in Norman, Oklahoma. We are a micro-farm that grows specialty cut flowers to educate and inspire our local flower-loving community. We offer flower subscriptions, educational workshops, and you-pick flower events. We are members of the Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers.


You can learn more about us and join our adventures by subscribing to our email list and following us on Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook.

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